Feb 13, 2025
Please note that following reports will display information based on the school you currently have selected in PowerSchool. If you are at the district level it will display all active students or staff.
- Staff Device Assignments
-List of staff members have a district issued Laptop or Chromebook. Details include date of assignment, device number, serial number and device status.
-This report can be used to identify staff that have a district device, multiple devices assigned, a damaged, EOL or Loaner device.
- Student Device Assignments:
- List of students with a district issued Laptop or Chromebook. Details include date of assignment, device number, serial number and device status.
- This report can be used to identify students that have a district device, multiple devices assigned, Damaged, EOL or Loaner device.
- Students W/O Device (V2.0):
-This report displays active students who do not have a device assigned to them. If they are in HS and are PC eligible students the course will be listed only.