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Showing articles from hacked account tag

My account or name has been Spoofed, what should I do next?

**What is spoofing?** _Spoofing is a type of cyber attack where an attacker impersonates a trusted source or creates a fake identity to deceive victims into revealing sensitive information or performing an action that can be harmful. This can be achieved through various means such as email, IP address, or caller ID s…

(fix)Hacked account not receiving emails

If an account is hacked and the end user still does not receive emails after resetting their password, take the following steps: 1. Check the Gmail filter and remove any filters that route emails to the trash 2. Remove all email forward settings Credit: M.Simpson

Have you been Pwned

You can use the following site to determine if your email account has been compromised in any data breaches. [​][1] ​If something comes up, just make note of it and if you have not done so, change your password. [1]:​

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